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A Glimpse into the Road Ahead


Colby is one of the most talented up-and-coming American riders in the heavily European-dominated peloton. Setting the tone for the journey that lies ahead, "Looking ahead to the 2024 season, it's a pivotal year for my cycling career,". Colby's prowess shines in a landscape where he stands out among the best.

Taking a break from the road and hitting the new MTB trails

Colby has been preparing away from home due to the harsh conditions, "Spending the past two months in Tucson, AZ, has been crucial in laying the foundation for the upcoming season. Since December 2023, I've been clocking in 24 to 30 hours a week on the bike, with another 10 hours spent in the gym. Preparing for the early season races in Europe, starting in March. It's about building the speed and endurance required for the challenges ahead."

But it's not just about the bike, Colby represents one of the best development teams in the world. Dutch team Jumbo - Lease a Bike. With their guidance, the importance of gym and stretching is reflected in daily routine. "Spending three days a week at the gym is a game-changer. It's not just about physical strength, it's about enhancing sprint power and overall mobility." These sessions contribute significantly to performance on the road.

The gym sessions aren't just about lifting weights; they're about sculpting determination and resilience. "In the gym, you confront your limits and push beyond them. It's a space where strength isn't just physical; it's a mindset," Colby remarks, shedding light on the transformative power of off-bike training.

When it comes to recovering from daily efforts, Colby doesn't mistake how critical of a role diet plays. "Focusing on my diet has been a priority. Ensuring I get enough carbs is key for recovery and readiness for the demanding cycling season." It's a shift that has translated into setting new power records and securing some KOMs.

Diving deeper into the diet aspect, Colby adds, "Nutrition isn't a side note; it's a performance enhancer. The energy derived from a well-balanced diet is what propels us through each race. It's the fuel that turns aspirations into achievements."

As Colby's training intensifies, the anticipation for the European races in March grows. However, the key targets are in April, marked by two major goals. U23 Paris Roubaix and Tour of Bretagne. Being one of the favorites in the peloton, these are some of the most hectic and challenging races in the season. What makes you want to take part? "These races align with my strengths." Being an aggressive and explosive rider. "U23 Paris Roubaix tests my bike handling skills on cobbles, while Tour of Bretagne features short, punchy climbs. Looking forward to those moments drives my motivation during the intense training sessions in Tucson."

The first race in March is a checkpoint, but April holds the pinnacle of ambitions. "The cobbles and climbs await, and we're gearing up to make our mark on those roads. These races define our season, and the preparation in Tucson is the crucible where we forge our success."

As the wheels turn and the pedals spin, every training session becomes a chapter in the story of our season. The extending roads of Tucson witness not only the physical exertion but also the mental fortitude needed for a career-defining year.

In the quiet hours of Tucson's mornings, the hum of spinning wheels and focused breaths creates a symphony of dedication. There's a rhythm to training, a beat that syncs with everything around you and pushes you on. Each pedal stroke propels us toward April, where the real tests await.

The journey isn't solitary; it's a shared pursuit of excellence. In every mile covered, every sprint conquered, and every climb tackled, there's a collective drive sending us forward. The camaraderie formed in training is the unseen force that wills us to victory on race days."

As the calendar inches closer to March and April, the excitement is palpable. The races aren't just events; they're the culmination of sweat, sacrifice, and unyielding dedication. Colby's vision becomes a shared one, and the road ahead transforms into a canvas where dreams will be painted in the colors of determination and triumph.

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